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Local Support

Navigating life after trafficking or when at risk can be scary, but you’re not alone. Across communities, a network of dedicated organizations stands ready to offer support, guidance, and empowerment. From counseling services to legal aid, these resources cater to the unique needs of survivors and those vulnerable to exploitation. Whether you’re seeking refuge, education, or simply a compassionate ear, local organizations are committed to walking alongside you on your journey towards healing. At Crown A Life, our mission is to inspire individuals and groups to fight against human trafficking. However, if you are here as someone who has experienced it, we want you to know that you are loved and you are welcomed here. Regardless of circumstances or what has been done to you, there is hope for renewal. We want you to understand that God loves you, and we love you too. We’re compiling a list of reliable organizations based on your location, whether it’s by an American state or region. If you are in another part of the world, especially those in which we work with, please, do not hesitate to reach out for support. We can connect you to support systems and help you through recovery. We will start with the New England region, and as we expand, we will add other entities and sources for support. 


Jasmine Grace Outreach

Jasmine Grace Outreach is dedicated to extending practical support to vulnerable women. Their Bags of Hope initiative, one of their key outreaches, provides essential items towomen residing on the streets or in various programs across Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Through partnerships with initiatives aiding women impacted by trafficking, prostitution, addiction, and homelessness, Bags of Hope is driven by the community. Diverse groups contribute by donating items, assembling bags, and distributing them. This initiative serves to reassure women that there’s hope for a brighter future, affirming their worth, Jesus’s love for them, and offering assistance along the journey. What many don’t realize is that homeless or addicted women aren’t just making poor
choices; often, they’re victims of tough situations. Many have suffered trauma, exploitation, and struggle with untreated mental health and substance abuse issues. Every Bag of Hope includes resource cards to show them there’s another way and that they can have hope in a brighter future.
In addition, Jasmine Grace Outreach operates a Restorative Home in New Hampshire for adult women and their children, providing a safe and supportive environment for those looking to rebuild their lives.
For more information, please visit: https://www.jasminegrace.org/bags-of-hope/

The Massachusetts Anti-Trafficking Task Force

The Massachusetts Commonwealth’s Anti-Trafficking (CAT) Task Force is a group of people from different fields who team up to fight against human trafficking in Massachusetts. They include professionals from the Attorney General’s Office, the US Attorney’s Office, direct service providers, and law enforcement. Their main goal is to tackle all forms of human trafficking in the state in a thorough and sensitive way. This Task Force is not just any ordinary group—it’s an Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force. This means they bring together experts from various sectors to work closely together and cover all angles of the problem.
The project is funded by the US Department of Justice, which shows how serious the government is about combating human trafficking. They want to ensure that everyone involved, from survivors to law enforcement, receives the support they need. The CAT Task Force partners are committed to using the best methods to identify, investigate, and prosecute human trafficking cases. They believe that by working together, they can make a bigger impact and provide better services for survivors. Their approach is based on understanding the trauma that survivors have experienced. By treating them with care and respect, they aim to help them rebuild their lives while also holding traffickers accountable for their crimes.For more information, please visit: